Geoffrey Gordon Ashbrook

I am a data scientist, fiddle player and flute maker from Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania. My passion for interdisciplinary and practical studies has lead me from biology, to K-12 science and language teaching, to Data Science.

I am currently studing Data Science at Lambda School. I am interested in perhaps too many subjects, from best practice and organizational management, to education and human development, economics and finance, health and heathcare, consciousness, law, visual arts, poetry, botany, economic-botany, linguistics, international studies, mythology, history, traditional music, astronomy, cooking, woodworking, Philosophy of Science, literature, asteroid mining, folk dancing, astrobiology, etc. Practical applications of data aboud.


Wooden Information
Geoffrey Gordon Ashbrook


September 2018: Medicine and Symptom Prediction Machine Learning
March 2019: Center for Advanced Defense Studies Sanctions Explorer Website
May 2018: World Bank Indicator Data Interfacing


September 2018: Basic NLP for Recommendation Systems


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